The 12th general assembly and seventh convention of the National Child Protection Network was completed on 24th January 2024. The program was completed under the chief guest of Mr. Bam Bahadur Bania, Vice President of the National Child Rights Council, and guest member Mr. Sushma Pokharel, Mr. Ambika Adhikari, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, NACG President Mr. Kiran Thapa. In the program, Mr. Gyan Bhakta Maharjan, the General Secretary of the organization, presented the institutional progress report, and Ms. Madhu Gurung, the representative of the treasurer of the organization, presented the financial report. Mr. Prakash Khatiwada, the president of the NCPA, expressed that during this period, the National Child Protection Network has succeeded in creating an identity as a leading social activist in the field of protection and promotion of the rights of children. He also thanked all the founder members, current and former presidents, working committee members, ordinary members, and advisors who contributed to bringing the network to this stage.
Mr. Bishnu Khatri, Ms. Preksha Niraula, and Mr. Krishna Chandra Acharya were given the responsibility of the election committee to complete the seventh convention of NCPA.
The election was held unanimously.
Newly elected executive committee members
Chairperson: Mr. Gyan Bhakta Maharjan
Vice Chairperson: Ms. Meena Pariyar
Secretary General: Mr. Mani Ram Acharya
Treasurer: Mr. Toya Nath Tiwari
Secretary: Ms. Madhu Gurung
Member: Mr. Rudra Thebe
Member: Mr. Mushtaq Ali Rai
Member Mr. Dilli Prasad Sharma
Member: Mr. Gokul Subedi
Member: Ms. Kabita Shah
Member: Ms. Anjana Sharma
Member: Ms. Kalpana Timalsina
Member: Ms. Manu Nepali
National Child Protection Alliance (NCPA) is a national network of NGOs working on Child Protection Issues all over the nation. NCPA is established in 2010 focusing on working to develop solidarity, actions, and campaign against all forms of violence, abuse, and discrimination that void the rights of children. We have been continuously raising our voices at the International, National, and Local Arena to promote a child-protective environment and system. The NCPA has a member of 50 organizations from Seven Provinces that are working in 28 districts and 5 metropolitan cities, 7 sub-metropolitan cities, 59 municipalities, and 30 rural municipalities.