5th Annual General Assembly, Meeting (AGM) and 3rd Election of NCPA was held at Hotel Aryal (Newbaneshwor), on 20th September 2016. The program began with a welcome speech from our guest speakers, namely; Mr Krishna Subedi and Mr Yubaraj Ghimire. Later a small talk was also shared by the Vice president of NCPA Ms Purnakala Sharma and President Mr. Krishna Kumar Thapa. During the first half of the day, yearlong activity of the alliance was presented among the member organizations. The treasure presented with the financial report along with a detailed audit attached to the paper. Alongside the alliance activity, Mr Yuabraj Ghimire (President Consortium), screened short presentation on SDG, the clauses defined by it, the importance of it also the modality to work following the principles of it.
The second half of the day was allocated to the dissolution of the existing board and election of a new committee. In mutual consent Mr. Krishna Chandra Acharya was elected the new President of NCPA for the preceding two years tenure. Similarly, the table below depicts the list of new executive committee elected with complete support from all the member organizations of the Alliance. This election session was kindly facilitated by Mr Krishna Subedi (CZOPP) and Mr. Yubaraj Ghimire (CWISH). Mr Krishna Kumar Thapa congratulated his successor and the new president of the alliance, Mr. Krishna Chandra Acharya, expressed his sincere gratitude towards the committee and also vouched to carry forward the alliance activity and maintain the vision of National Child Protection Alliance. To end the program Mr Krisha Subedi congratulated the new board and wished NCPA further success in future and to be able to conduct notable contribution towards the protection of children.
Newly Elected Executive Committee
S.no | Name | Organization | Position |
1 | Krishna Chandra Acharya | HUREC | President |
2 | Purnakala Sharma | CWISH | Vice President |
3 | Kiran Thapa | CDS | General Secretary |
4 | Prakash Khatiwada | CWS | Secretary |
5 | Buddhi Ratna Dangol | LooNiva Child | Treasurer |
6 | Dayaram Kandel | Youth Club Narayangarh | Member |
7 | Brijmohan Khushawa | Protection Nepal – Bara | Member |
8 | Anita Pandey | FHRD | Member |
9 | Phurba Jangmu Sherpa | Child Nepal | Member |
10 | Kabita Shah | Sath Sath | Member |
11 | Bhim Lal Gurung | Children Nepal | Member |
12 | Santosh Chapagain | MATS | Member |
13 | Krishna Kumar Thapa | VOC | Member |
From this AGM on-ward the initial constitution of NCPA has been dissolved and a new member from each federal Unit/Pradesh Model of Nepal among the 7 has been elected. Hence below are the representative and the organizations selected in mutual consent through the 5th AGM held at Hotel Aryal on 20th September 2016.
S.no | Name | Organization | Federal State/Pradesh Model |
1 | Anil Thapa | HURENDEC | Pradesh – 1 |
2 | Guna Keshari Shrestha | FOWEP | Pradesh – 3 |
3 | Mustaq Ali Rai | RUSUF-Nepal | Pradeh – 5 |
4 | Hira Singh Thapa | SOSEC | Pradesh 6 |
The current executive committee will continue the selection procedure and assign the responsibility to the member organization of NCPA from Pradesh 2 and 7.
Dissolved Board (2071-73)
S.no | Name | Organization | Position |
1 | Krishna Kumar Thapa | Voice of Children | President |
2 | Purnakala Sharma | CWISH | Vice-President |
3 | Krishna Chandra Acharya | HUREC | General Secretary |
4 | Kiran Thapa | CDS | Secretary |
5 | Buddhi Dangol | LooNiva | Treasurer |
6 | Prakash Khatiwada | CWS | Member |
7 | Kabita Shah | Sath Sath | Member |
8 | Anita Pandey | FHRD | Member |
9 | Srijana Pariyar | SUK Nepal | Member |
10 | Santosh Chapagain | MATS | Member |
11 | Brij Mohan Khusawaha | Child Protection – Bara | Member |
12 | Mustaq Ali Rai | RUSUF Nepal | Member |
13 | Jiyam Shrestha | Concern | Member |
NCPA would like to express its sincere gratitude towards all member organizations, concerned government personnel, like minded stakeholders and all well wishers of the Alliance. We will be in touch with you and we hope to work in collaboration towards the protection of children and to make a better world for them.
National Child Protection Alliance (NCPA) is a national network of NGOs working on Child Protection Issues all over the nation. NCPA is established in 2010 focusing on working to develop solidarity, actions, and campaign against all forms of violence, abuse, and discrimination that void the rights of children. We have been continuously raising our voices at the International, National, and Local Arena to promote a child-protective environment and system. The NCPA has a member of 50 organizations from Seven Provinces that are working in 28 districts and 5 metropolitan cities, 7 sub-metropolitan cities, 59 municipalities, and 30 rural municipalities.